maandag 31 december 2012

What am i....

supposed to do with this???









The project is about done. One more photo to shoot to complete the circle, but we figured we could post today.

The statistics;

Total; 16082 photos. (Thats after selection..)

Total; 341Gigabites of harddrive space needed..

Shot with EOS7d, G12, SX210, Iphone..

And we are glad its finished.. :)


The full month is here.

The full project is here.

Thanks for taking a look over the last year. We appreciate it!

maandag 10 december 2012

A little bit late...

....but here it is.. November. Carefull observers will notice some days missing. No, we didnt miss any days, just keeping some photo's to ourselves. Enjoy! 08-11 The month november is here. The entire project is here.

dinsdag 27 november 2012


Yeah, i know... I forgot to update the blog..

Been very busy with moving miniman's room and other stuff. Basicly, life got in the way.. But here it is. October..

Miniman is starting to get fed up with posing, so the pics turn out more like snapshots then the desired high quality photo's. Such is life.


The complete set is here.

The complete project so far is here.

Ill do the November update in a day or 4. I wont forget. I think. :)

woensdag 24 oktober 2012

Busy, busy, busy..

But not too busy to take pics! Did a bunch of stuff this month, besides the 365 project. Last monday we went to our favorite area for photography, the Amsterdam Drinking Water Dunes. The results were... Well, see for your self; Large2 IMG_9925 IMG_9868 IMG_9878 Fallow deer 1 AWD zand salamander We had a great day. Lovely weather. Probably the last good day of the year. Good thing about that is that mushroom season is about to start.. Time to break out the macro stuff!

dinsdag 2 oktober 2012


Another month gone, only three to go!


The full month here!

The entire year so far here!


vrijdag 31 augustus 2012


Another month gone by. Its been great weather this month, so lots of outside pics..


Full set here: Clickerdeclick..

dinsdag 21 augustus 2012

Firmware update EOS 7D

Canon announced last month that they would update the firmware in the 7D camera. The list of new specs was pretty exciting.


The increase in burstrate is the most outstanding new feature for me. From 15 to 25! Thats a lot of action you can shoot!

Here's the complete list;

Improved maximum burst for RAW images (up to 25)
In-camera RAW image editing
In-camera Image Rating
In-camera JPEG resizing
Maximum Auto ISO setting (ISO 400-6400)
Manual audio level adjustment in movie recording
GPS compatibility
File name customisation
Time zone settings
Faster scrolling of magnified images
Quick control screen during playback

I did the update thru the EOS utility program. Very easy to do, with the given instructions.



As said, my favorite new features are the burstrate improvement and the max. auto ISO. I like to keep the ISO as low as possible, this is gonna help lots.

If you have a 7D, i highly recommend the firmware update. It basicly gives you a new camera. (i know that isnt true, but for arguments sake...)

You can find all about it here.

maandag 20 augustus 2012

Daddy's needs come second...

And daddy is fine with that... 29c here, so things need to be kept cool!


Taken with 7d and 24-105L with polarising filter.

vrijdag 17 augustus 2012

New pilot MARS rover announced!

Pleased to meet you!

Camera Roll-111

(Disclaimer: no mini-men were stuffed in a glas helmet to make this picture.)

dinsdag 3 juli 2012

Blijdorp Zoo

Been to one of Holland's finest zoo's last week. Blijdorp, in Rotterdam.





This ones were taken in the Amsterdam Drinkingwater Dunes;

Taken with 300mm L F/2.8 IS.


zondag 1 juli 2012


Another serie's ready to publish!


Still having loads of fun trying to come up with something original every day. Well, at least we try to.

The month of June.

The entire project.

zondag 3 juni 2012


Since we started the 365 project i really havent had time to do some other posts on gear or whatever. But, as most photographers know... You never stop wanting or buying.

I got a bunch of new stuff over the last couple of months. Most importantly, i got a new flashunit. The Canon Speedlite 580EX II. I allready had its little brother, the 430EX.



Its a big one, compared to the 430EX. It feels rocksolid. According to the brochure its as weather resistant as a 1-series body.

I bought the book by Syl Arena, called Speedliters handbook. I have lots to learn about using multiple flashunits.

Because we were constantly struggling with the backgrounds, i decided to scout around the web for a portable system that would fit our needs. In the end i decided to go with Lastolite. I ordered the 1.8meter x 2.15meter plain collapsible background with black and white train.


It should fit our needs perfectly.

The last item on the new purchase list is a camera sling. I normally dont use them because i like to be able to remove and attach it quickly. So when i came across this, i ordered it. It works like a charm.


The plastic click thingies are the same size as the one for my op-tech wrist strap, so i didnt even have to remove that one.

donderdag 31 mei 2012

Time for the update! (May)

Another month done. Still going strong, still havent missed a day yet.


Click the link to go to this months Flickr page.

Trying to find time to do a post on something else, but time, time, time...

maandag 30 april 2012

April is gone...

So its time for another update! Again, somewhat more then 30 photos, but who's counting?


Click this link to go to this months set in the photostream; Clickerdeclick..

zaterdag 31 maart 2012

365 project March

Another month gone.. Havent missed a day so far. Its hard to choose sometimes, so there are more then 31 pics...


Click the link to go to the set on Flickr;


zaterdag 17 maart 2012

How hard can it be??

Took this one for the 366 project, but couldnt wait to share.


Rest of the month on the 31st! Havent missed a day so far!

donderdag 1 maart 2012

Mirror, mirror..

Should have used a backdrop for the reflection in the mirror...

Also uploaded month number two for the 365(6) project.

Click here!

Havent missed a day so far!

dinsdag 14 februari 2012

New Photostream Flickr.

I had some trouble with my Flickr photostream, so i decided to make a new one. Got the "pro" package, so the pics are available in bigger sizes.

maandag 6 februari 2012

dinsdag 31 januari 2012


Since every website/blog/chatterbox allready posted this... I cant fall behind, now can i?

A "in the wild sighting of new goodies!!"

The author was on a safari and spotted a japanese gentleman with these new goodies. Im sure the cameras in those pics arent the new 1Dx, ive had one of those in my hands, and this aint one! (I got invited to a lookie-feelie at Canon's Netherlands HQ some time ago.)

The internet fora are all exploding with wishlists etc... Cant really be bothered with that, im sure when Canon makes a new model, it will be better then the last one. And im still pretty happy with my 7D set-up. But there is always room for inprovement, no?

Our 366 project is coming along nicely! 7D, G12, SX210, Iphone... Taking a pic a day is easy with that many camera's around.

Now only to find a format to show them. Any idea's?? Mail or comment!

donderdag 19 januari 2012


Well, here it is... 2012. Still trying my hand on baby photography...

We took our little boy to a fellow hobby photographer, a close personal friend who wanted to try her hand on taking some nice shots of us. We all had great fun doing it!

Jose Tillema ©

We started a 366 project ourselves on the 1st of januari, i hope we can keep it up. :) Our goal is to make 1 photo every day, doesnt matter which camera/pose/whatever. Should be fun to do.