I noticed that i had been slacking on posting pics lately.. So here is an update with a bunch of pics i took over the last few months. Off course the most featured subject is our precious miniman... But ive thrown in a cat, part of a tree and a goat for good measurement.. Enjoy!
Almost all pics taken with the Eos7D mk1/ 70-200mm F/2.8 MkII. The most awesome lens ever!
Got the amazing 70-200mm L IS USM II last week... It is every bit as good as advertised.
Made these two collages with Diptic. A very nice tool for presenting your photos.
Went to the EOS lens discovery event in Rotterdam last week. Got a chance to play with the entire lens line-up that Canon has these days, and follow two workshops. One on wildlife photography and one one macro photography. Best of all; free of charge if you have an EOS camera.
Came to the conclusion that i still missed one lens to complete my own set. The 70-200mm.. Picked it up this week, and, to coin a phrase.. im happier then a pig in sh*te. What an awesome piece of equipment..
See for yourself;
Ill be using this one a lot. I cant recommend it enough.