Ive purchased a SatMap Active 10 last week. Since taking wildlife photos involves being in the great outdoors, i thought it would come in handy. Also for the vacation i have planned this year it should be a very welcome companion.
I swapped the normal AA battery powerpack with a rechargeble NiHM battery, which also makes the device less bulky.
What is it? Well, in a nutshell; Its a GPS thingie where you can load different area maps into. The maps are the well known Ordnance Survey maps, or if you get the dutch maps they are from the Registrars office. Quality guarenteed.
You cant use it for embedding GPS data into a photo, as far as i can tell now.
I bought mine with a 1/50000 map of the Netherlands, and i got a 1/50000 of Wales from the manufacturer. They come on SD cards, that you can very easily swap.
It comes with a pouch that should be very easy to attach to your photobag.
I havent been able to go on a good walk with it, and supposedly i can load the route i took into google maps, but ill get to that when i find time..